
Unicode/Hanzi Search: U+7259 (牙)


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tooth, molars, teeth; serrated
Strokes (without radical) 0 Total Strokes 4
Mandarin reading Cantonese reading ngaa4
Japanese on reading ga ge Japanese kun reading kiba ha
Korean reading a Vietnamese reading nha

CEDICT Entries:

   [ ]    tooth, ivory, CL:顆|颗[ke1]
   [ rén ]    (old) middleman, broker
   [ ]    broker
   [ ]    broker
   [ shí ]    Yakeshi county level city, Mongolian Yagshi xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia
   [ shí shì ]    Yakeshi county level city, Mongolian Yagshi xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia
   [ guān ]    crown of a tooth, (dental) crown
   [ shuā ]    toothbrush, CL:把[ba3]
   [ yìn ]    teeth marks (left on sth), bite marks
   [ zhoū yán ]    periodontitis (gum disorder)
   [ zhoū bìng ]    periodontitis (gum disorder)
   [ goù ]    dental plaque, tartar
   [ chéng ]    citadel, military headquarters
   [ taò ]    orthodontic brace, (dental) crown
   [ zi ]    serrated edge, (old) middleman, broker
   [ zhàng ]    tent of the commanding officer, tent capital of a nomadic people
   [ zhàng ]    tent of the commanding officer, tent capital of a nomadic people
   [ chuáng ]    gum, ivory bedframe
   [ huì ]    repetition, other person's opinion, hearsay, parroting
   [ tuō ]    mouthguard, occlusal splint, dental impression tray, orthodontic plate, denture base, denture
   [ ]    emperor's or general's banner erected on an ivory-tipped pole at a military camp or headquarters (in ancient times)
   [ běn zhì ]    dentin, dentine
   [ běn zhì ]    dentin, dentine
   [ gēn ]    root of tooth
   [ ]    dental bridge
   [ ]    dental bridge
   [ zhì ]    ingenious gear machine, elaborate contraption
   [ zhì ]    ingenious gear machine, elaborate contraption
   [ bān ]    dental plaque
   [ bìng ]    odontopathy, dental disease
   [ tòng ]    toothache
   [ baí ]    creamy white, ivory color
   [ pán ]    (bicycle) crankset
   [ pán ]    (bicycle) crankset
   [ chen ]    gritty (of foodstuffs), fig. jarring speech
   [ chen ]    gritty (of foodstuffs), fig. jarring speech
   [ ]    a good meal, sumptuous food
   [ ]    dentistry
   [ shēng ]    dentist
   [ shēng ]    dentist
   [ ]    orthodontic braces
   [ qiān ]    toothpick
   [ qiān ]    toothpick
   [ fěn ]    dental floss, tooth powder
   [ xiàn ]    dental floss, CL:條|条[tiao2]
线   [ xiàn ]    dental floss, CL:條|条[tiao2]
   [ xiàn bàng ]    floss pick
线   [ xiàn bàng ]    floss pick
   [ fèng ]    gap between teeth
   [ fèng ]    gap between teeth
   [ fèng ]    gap between teeth
   [ fèng ]    gap between teeth
   [ gaō ]    toothpaste, CL:管[guan3]
   [ jūn bān ]    dental bacterial plaque
   [ háng ]    middleman (in former times), broker
   [ maǐ jiā ]    Jamaica
   [ maǐ jiā ]    Jamaica
   [ maǐ jiā ]    Jamaican pepper, all-spice (Pimenta dioica)
   [ maǐ jiā ]    Jamaican pepper, all-spice (Pimenta dioica)
   [ ]    dentist
   [ ]    dentist
   [ yoù zhì ]    tooth enamel
   [ yoù zhì ]    tooth enamel
   [ guān ]    jaw, mandibular joint
   [ guān ]    jaw, mandibular joint
   [ guān jǐn zhèng ]    lockjaw, trismus
   [ guān jǐn zhèng ]    lockjaw, trismus
   [ ]    ivory carving
   [ yīn ]    velar consonants of Middle Chinese
   [ suǐ ]    tooth pulp
   [ chǐ ]    tooth, dental, CL:顆|颗[ke1]
齿   [ chǐ ]    tooth, dental, CL:顆|颗[ke1]
   [ chǐ zhèng ]    orthodontic braces
齿   [ chǐ zhèng ]    orthodontic braces
   [ yín ]    gums, gingiva
   [ yín ]    gums, gingiva
   [ yín yán ]    gingivitis
   [ yín yán ]    gingivitis
⇒    [ shàng táng ]    palate (roof of the mouth)
⇒    [ ]    deciduous tooth, milk tooth, baby tooth
⇒    [ màn ]    Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang
⇒    [ màn ]    Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang
⇒    [ màn xiāng ]    Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang
⇒    [ màn xiāng ]    Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang
⇒    [ huán ]    a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)
⇒    [ huán ]    a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)
⇒    [ huán ]    a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)
⇒    [ huán ]    a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)
⇒    [ yǎn huán yǎn huán ]    an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (idiom), fig. to use the enemy's methods against him, to give sb a taste of his own medicine
⇒    [ yǎn huán yǎn huán ]    an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (idiom), fig. to use the enemy's methods against him, to give sb a taste of his own medicine
⇒    [ yǎn huán yǎn huán ]    an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (idiom), fig. to use the enemy's methods against him, to give sb a taste of his own medicine
⇒    [ yǎn huán yǎn huán ]    an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (idiom), fig. to use the enemy's methods against him, to give sb a taste of his own medicine
⇒    [ líng chǐ ]    clever and eloquent (idiom); fluent, having the gift of the gab
⇒ 齿   [ líng chǐ ]    clever and eloquent (idiom); fluent, having the gift of the gab
⇒    [ ]    Buddha's tooth (a holy relic)
⇒    [ jiǎ ]    false teeth, dentures
⇒    [ jiǎ xiàng ]    celluloid
⇒    [ qiē ]    incisor tooth
⇒    [ shuā ]    to brush one's teeth
⇒    [ ]    to pick one's teeth
⇒    [ xiōng ]    Hungary
⇒    [ xiōng ]    Hungarian language
⇒    [ xiōng ]    Hungarian language
⇒    [ ]    sound of dogs fighting, also written 吽呀[ou1 ya2]
⇒    [ liě zuǐ ]    to grimace (in pain), to show one's teeth, to bare one's fangs
⇒    [ yaǒ dìng gēn ]    see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]
⇒    [ yaǒ dìng guān ]    see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]
⇒    [ yaǒ dìng guān ]    see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]
⇒    [ yaǒ ]    to clench one's teeth, to grind the teeth, gnaw
⇒    [ yaǒ qiè chǐ ]    gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme anger, fuming with rage between gritted teeth
⇒ 齿   [ yaǒ qiè chǐ ]    gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme anger, fuming with rage between gritted teeth
⇒    [ yaǒ jǐn gēn ]    see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]
⇒    [ yaǒ jǐn gēn ]    see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]
⇒    [ yaǒ jǐn guān ]    lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain, to bite the bullet
⇒    [ yaǒ jǐn guān ]    lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain, to bite the bullet
⇒    [ liáng shuǐ doū saī ]    (coll.) to be out of luck
⇒    [ liáng shuǐ doū saī ]    (coll.) to be out of luck
⇒    [ ]    abutment tooth (dentistry)
⇒    [ saī ]    to get food stuck between one's teeth
⇒    [ jiāng ]    Jiang Ziya (c. 1100 BC, dates of birth and death unknown), partly mythical sage advisor to King Wen of Zhou 周文王[Zhou1 Wen2 wang2] and purported author of “Six Secret Strategic Teachings” 六韜|六韬[Liu4 tao1], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]
⇒    [ jiān ]    canine tooth, fang, tusk
⇒    [ weǐ ]    a year-end dinner for employees
⇒    [ shā ]    megalodon (Carcharodon megalodon)
⇒    [ shā ]    megalodon (Carcharodon megalodon)
⇒    [ zhāng zhaǒ ]    to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom); to make threatening gestures
⇒    [ zhāng zhaǒ ]    to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom); to make threatening gestures
⇒    [ tán ]    al dente
⇒    [ tán ]    al dente
⇒    [ héng ]    permanent tooth (as opposed to deciduous tooth 乳牙), adult tooth
⇒    [ héng ]    permanent tooth (as opposed to deciduous tooth 乳牙), adult tooth
⇒    [ fáng ]    real estate agent (old)
⇒    [ fáng zi ]    real estate agent (old)
⇒    [ mén wǎng zi yàn ]    lit. to swallow one's knocked-out teeth after getting punched in the face (idiom), fig. to endure bullying or insults stoically
⇒    [ mén wǎng zi yàn ]    lit. to swallow one's knocked-out teeth after getting punched in the face (idiom), fig. to endure bullying or insults stoically
⇒    [ ]    to have a large and sumptuous meal (traditionally on the 1st and 15th of each month)
⇒    [ ]    to extract a tooth
⇒    [ shí rén huì ]    to pick up what others say (idiom); to pass off other people's opinions as one's own, to parrot
⇒    [ huàn ]    to grow replacement teeth (zoology), to grow permanent teeth in place of milk teeth
⇒    [ huàn ]    to grow replacement teeth (zoology), to grow permanent teeth in place of milk teeth
⇒    [ gaō ]    lit. to squeeze out toothpaste, fig. to extract a confession under pressure
⇒    [ gaō ]    lit. to squeeze out toothpaste, fig. to extract a confession under pressure
⇒    [ zhì ]    wisdom tooth
⇒    [ zàn ]    deciduous tooth, milk tooth, baby tooth, also written 乳齒|乳齿[ru3 chi3]
⇒    [ zàn ]    deciduous tooth, milk tooth, baby tooth, also written 乳齒|乳齿[ru3 chi3]
⇒    [ baò ]    buck teeth
⇒    [ yuè ]    crescent moon
⇒    [ yuè xíng ]    crescent
⇒    [ bǎn ]    incisor, molar, screw die, threading die
⇒    [ caó ]    molar tooth
⇒    [ zhèng daì huán ]    orthodontic brace
⇒    [ zhèng daì huán ]    orthodontic brace
⇒    [ ]    venomous fang
⇒    [ chōng ]    water pick, oral irrigator
⇒    [ chōng ]    water pick, oral irrigator
⇒    [ ]    scaling and polishing (dentistry)
⇒    [ haǐ ]    The Hague (city in the Netherlands), Den Haag
⇒ 滿   [ mǎn zhaǒ ]    to be looking for one's teeth all over the floor, (fig.) to get beaten up badly, to beat the crap out of (sb)
⇒    [ mǎn zhaǒ ]    to be looking for one's teeth all over the floor, (fig.) to get beaten up badly, to beat the crap out of (sb)
⇒    [ jié ]    scaling and polishing (dentistry)
⇒    [ jié ]    scaling and polishing (dentistry)
⇒    [ ]    toothless, (fig.) powerless, ineffectual, weak
⇒    [ ]    toothless, (fig.) powerless, ineffectual, weak
⇒    [ zhaǒ ]    pawn, lackey, accomplice (in crime), collaborator, henchman, claws and teeth
⇒    [ goǔ zuǐ li chū xiàng ]    no ivory comes from the mouth of a dog (idiom), no good words are to be expected from a scoundrel
⇒    [ goǔ zuǐ li chū xiàng ]    no ivory comes from the mouth of a dog (idiom), no good words are to be expected from a scoundrel
⇒    [ láng shān ]    Mount Langya in Hebei
⇒    [ ]    tusk, fang
⇒    [ xíng taò ]    orthodontic brace
⇒    [ xíng taò ]    orthodontic brace
⇒    [ ]    to grind one's teeth (during sleep), pointless arguing, (coll.) molar
⇒    [ ]    to laugh one's head off, ridiculous, jaw-dropping
⇒    [ hóng ]    clappers (musical instrument used to mark the time, made from ivory or hardwood and painted red)
⇒    [ hóng ]    clappers (musical instrument used to mark the time, made from ivory or hardwood and painted red)
⇒    [ laǒ ]    very old, obsolete, out of date
⇒    [ shèng ]    (Tw) San Diego, California, Santiago, capital of Chile
⇒    [ shèng ]    (Tw) San Diego, California, Santiago, capital of Chile
⇒    [ taó ]    Portugal
⇒    [ taó rén ]    Portuguese (person)
⇒    [ taó wén ]    Portuguese (language)
⇒    [ taó ]    Portuguese (language)
⇒    [ taó ]    Portuguese (language)
⇒    [ lán ]    Bluetooth
⇒    [ lán ]    Bluetooth
⇒    [ ]    (coll.) eye tooth (maxillary canine tooth)
⇒    [ zhù ]    tooth decay, dental cavities, CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]
⇒    [ chóng zi ]    see 蟲牙|虫牙[chong2 ya2]
⇒    [ chóng zi ]    see 蟲牙|虫牙[chong2 ya2]
⇒    [ chóng ]    caries, rotten tooth (colloquial), see also 齲齒|龋齿[qu3 chi3]
⇒    [ chóng ]    caries, rotten tooth (colloquial), see also 齲齒|龋齿[qu3 chi3]
⇒    [ ]    to fill a tooth (cavity), to have a tooth filled, a dental filling
⇒    [ ]    to fill a tooth (cavity), to have a tooth filled, a dental filling
⇒ 西   [ bān ]    Spain
⇒ 西   [ bān rén ]    Spaniard, Spanish person
⇒ 西   [ bān wén ]    Spanish (language)
⇒ 西   [ bān gǎng ]    Port-of-Spain, capital of Trinidad and Tobago
⇒ 西   [ bān ]    Spanish language
⇒ 西   [ bān ]    Spanish language
⇒    [ xiàng ]    ivory, elephant tusk
⇒    [ xiàng ]    ivory tower
⇒    [ xiàng haǐ àn ]    Côte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast (Tw)
⇒    [ daò ]    curb
⇒    [ tiě chǐ tóng ]    clever and eloquent speaker (idiom)
⇒ 齿   [ tiě chǐ tóng ]    clever and eloquent speaker (idiom)
⇒    [ xiāng ]    to have a false tooth set in, denture
⇒    [ xiāng ]    to have a false tooth set in, denture
⇒    [ cháng ]    tusk
⇒    [ cháng ]    tusk
⇒    [ zhǎng ]    to grow teeth, to teethe
⇒    [ zhǎng ]    to grow teeth, to teethe
⇒    [ mén ]    incisor
⇒    [ mén ]    incisor
⇒    [ qīng miàn ]    ferocious-looking (idiom)
⇒    [ zi ]    curb
⇒    [ zi ]    curb
⇒    [ baō ]    buck tooth, projecting tooth
⇒    [ baō ]    buck tooth, projecting tooth
⇒    [ liě zuǐ ]    to grimace (in pain), to show one's teeth, to bare one's fangs
⇒    [ liě zuǐ ]    to grimace (in pain), to show one's teeth, to bare one's fangs