
Unicode/Hanzi Search: U+5E3D (帽)

hat, cap; cap-like tops
Strokes (without radical) 9 Total Strokes 12
Mandarin reading maò Cantonese reading mou6
Japanese on reading bou mou Japanese kun reading boushi
Korean reading mo Vietnamese reading mão

CEDICT Entries:

   [ maò ]    hat, cap
   [ maò jiàng ]    milliner
   [ maò tiān shān ]    Mt Maotian in Chengjiang county 澄江縣|澄江县[Cheng2 jiang1 xian4], Yuxi, east Yunnan
   [ maò zi ]    hat, cap, (fig.) label, bad name, CL:頂|顶[ding3]
   [ maò zi ]    hat trick (when one player scores three goals)
   [ maò yán ]    brim (of a hat)
沿   [ maò yán ]    variant of 帽檐[mao4 yan2]
   [ maò ]    the ribbon around a cap
⇒    [ diū shā maò ]    lit. to lose one's black hat, to be sacked from an official post
⇒ 便   [ biàn maò ]    cap
⇒    [ shǎ maò ]    fool, idiot, foolish, stupid
⇒    [ shǎ maò ]    erhua variant of 傻帽[sha3 mao4]
⇒    [ sēng maò shuǐ ]    (zoology) Portuguese man o' war (Physalia physalis)
⇒    [ sēng maò hoú ]    capuchin monkey, genus Cebidae
⇒    [ sēng maò bàn ]    see 二尖瓣[er4 jian1 ban4]
⇒    [ doū maò ]    hood
⇒    [ liù luó maò ]    hexagonal nut
⇒    [ bīng maò ]    icecap
⇒    [ fāng maò ]    see 方帽[fang1 mao4]
⇒    [ laǒ maò ]    hillbilly, yokel, redneck, bumpkin
⇒    [ gaì maò ]    peaked cap, service cap, visor cap
⇒    [ ān quán maò ]    safety helmet, CL:隻|只[zhi1],頂|顶[ding3]
⇒    [ hóng maò ]    Little Red Riding Hood
⇒    [ daì maò zi ]    to wear a hat, (fig.) to stigmatize, to be branded as
⇒    [ daì maò zi ]    to have been cheated on by one's partner (formerly meant "to be a cuckold", i.e. applied to men only)
⇒    [ daì gaō maò zi ]    (coll.) to be the object of flattery, to be placed on a pedestal
⇒    [ koù maò zi ]    to tag sb with unfair label, power word
⇒    [ zhaī maò ]    lit. to take off a hat, fig. to be cleared of an unfair charge, rehabilitation
⇒    [ zhaī maò zi ]    lit. to take off a hat, fig. to be cleared of an unfair charge, rehabilitation
⇒    [ fāng maò ]    mortarboard, square academic cap
⇒    [ fāng toú luó maò ]    square headed nut
⇒    [ yǒng maò ]    swimming cap
⇒    [ maò ]    shower cap, CL:頂|顶[ding3]
⇒    [ shā maò ]    black hat (worn by feudal official), fig. official post
⇒    [ xióng maò ]    bearskin hat
⇒    [ guā maò ]    Chinese skullcap resembling the skin of half a watermelon
⇒    [ kǎn toú guò fēng chuī maò ]    to regard decapitation as no more important than the wind blowing off your hat (idiom)
⇒    [ maò ]    Western-style man's hat
⇒    [ maò ]    the cap of a pen, pencil, or writing brush
⇒    [ shā maò ]    gauze hat, (fig.) job as an official
⇒    [ maò zi ]    green hat (figuratively, a symbol of being a cuckold)
⇒    [ laǒ maò ]    (dialect) country bumpkin, a hick
⇒    [ caǒ maò ]    straw hat
⇒    [ gaì maò ]    block (basketball)
⇒    [ gaì maò ]    to block a shot (basketball), (dialect) excellent, fantastic
⇒    [ lán maò ]    bonnet
⇒    [ luó maò ]    nut (female component of nut and bolt)
⇒    [ luó maò ]    nut (female component of nut and bolt)
⇒    [ maò jiān ]    cloakroom
⇒    [ doù doù maò ]    beanie
⇒    [ beì leí maò ]    beret (loanword)
⇒    [ lián maò weì ]    hooded sweatshirt, hoodie
⇒    [ jiàn maò ]    keycap
⇒    [ gaō maò zi ]    tall conical paper hat worn as a public humiliation, dunce cap, (fig.) flattery
⇒    [ shé maò ]    peaked cap